حصول على نقاط التشغيل فتح حساب بلاي ستور لدولة هولندا
In September last year, Google revealed a rewards program for the Google Play Store called Play Points, in which the company offers a financial balance or discounts for those who earn a certain number of points through spending within its. shop.
قبل دخول في شرح سوف اضع لكم روابط مهم لكم في مجال ربح مال +
سوف تجدون طريقة حصول على نقط تشغيل من خلال فتح متجر جوجل بلاي وحصول على بطاقات جوجل بلاي مجانا
The program was only available in Korea, and today it supports the United States of America so that users get points for purchasing applications, games, and even subscriptions and other forms of content such as e-books, audios, and others.
Operating Points Open a Play Store account for the Netherlands
The program has four levels (bronze, silver, gold and platinum) and each level has its advantages starting from the awarding of a point for every dollar spent, up to 1.4 points for every dollar with other benefits to double the balance and weekly or monthly awards.
الرموز البريدية في هولندا
الرمز البريدي مدينه عدد السكان
1011 أمستردام 6606
1012 أمستردام 7067
1013 أمستردام 26792
1014 أمستردام 15056
Google play play points for free Google Play Card
Joining the program is free and there is a special shortcut available which shows users the operating points to open a Play Store account for the country of the Netherlands within the Google Play application and you can withdraw from the program at any time. Google provides a group of entities to donate your earned credit if you don't want to get discounts or free credit for spending.
ولكن قبل دخول في تفاصيل فتح متجر للحصول على نقاط تشغيل يلزمنا بعض المعدات وهي ؛
Google Play accesses two billion users from 190 countries around the world and spends tens of billions of dollars annually purchasing content and items within apps.These rewards encourage users to spend more, as the Apple App Store it usually gets a higher percentage of spend despite the fact that the number of its users is lower.