Many bloggers on Blogger are looking for a way to create link directive pages because of the significant difference in Adsense profits, and today I came to you with the most appropriate way to create a page for converting links to follow us.
سوف تجدون رابط شرح بي اسفل في فيديو مع رابط تحميل صفحة تحويل الروابط
Create a page to convert links and double the profits of Adsense
Create a link directive page on Blogger blog and double AdSense profits
Why do you subscribe to pages of shortening the links and profit from them in a small way, which are not safe because Adsense fights these sites and closes them and always closes because there is no useful content in them and at that time you lose your money and money that you put on that site and also creates an unpleasant impression for your blog visitors Which makes you lose a lot of visitors because of the effort, psychological and significantly wasted time in getting what they are looking for, and also those sites win because of you a lot and a lot and give you a very small percentage of profits while you can make a page shortening links for your blog and make a profit that is not bad and very sick .
Features of the link conversion page
تحميل سكريبت صفحة تحويل الروابط على قوالب بلوجر
Automatically convert the existing link without any visitor intervention
اخواني كرام ان كنت تريدون افضل مواقع لربح مال من الانترنت بدون مجهود كي تزيد ارباحكم اضعاف مضاعفة مع شرح
- كورس1 مجاني للمبتدئين لربح من جوجل ادسنس ribh-lmal-min-google adsense
- ستراتيجيه رهيبة للوصول كل اسبوع 1000مشترك _4000ساعة#arbah youtube
- تحميل ملف اكبر جروبات ومجموعة الفيس بوك أكتر من 3 مليون عضو وتفاعل رهيب
- رابط تحميل قوالب blogger
افضل موقع لربح مال او لتبادل زيارات وهو من ارخص مواقع لشراء زيارات traficads
You can control the conversion time counter and adjust it as desired
You automatically convert all links you put into your posts
You can exclude links from converting to balance the blog
How to create a link conversion page
We will now go to a video that I made, explaining in detail how to create the page in an easy way. Watch the explanation well so that you can implement it correctly. Follow us.
رابط تحميل سكريبت صفحة تحويل الروابط $ Link to download script link conversion page
Video explanation