Solve a problem that is not available in your country, or how to create an American account?
سوف اضع لكم تغرات زيادة نقاط تشغيل ان كنت مهتم بي ثغرة زيادة نقاط التشغيل بلاي ستور ما عليك الى نزول اسفل وضغط على زر اقراء مزيد
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How to create an American Google Play market
Many suffer from the problem of the market, and the color will be transformed by the US until it is troubled to buy applications and download the applications that are not available in Iraq and get rid of a problem (not available in your country)
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With this article, you will learn how to create an American wear market in the simplest way
The second method is simpler and easier than you will find in the half article
The first way to create an American Play Market account:
Explanation requirements: Only VPN software and troubles download (from here)
After you download the VPN program, you must delete all old Google accounts
Go to (Settings> Accounts> Google) and delete them
How to delete a Play Market account
And see her, we create a new account (Settings> Accounts> Add account> Google)
Add an account
Add a Google account
The following steps are followed to create a new account
Create an account
I will give you two options (for myself and my child) to choose for myself
Create an account for myself
Then you write your name and last name
Then you write your birthdays and choose the gender
Choose your gender and date of birth
Then choose the email address for the account, for example (, it will show you suggestions or choose to create another Gmail address
I chose to create another Gmail address so I could choose an easy email address
Choose a mail address
A box will appear to write the mailing address you like
Choose an email address
Then you will choose the password and repeat it twice
You will see your privacy and terms of reference - you press OK
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Agree to Google's terms
A page will appear to confirm that you have completed the account creation process, click OK
Complete the account creation
And then, the process of creating an account has been successfully completed, and you will show steps towards an American transformation
The first and most important step is to delete the Google Play Store application data from (Settings> Applications> Google Play Store)
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* For Samsung devices, you will see the option to wipe the data directly, and for the rest of the devices after an interfering with the application, go to the storage name option and click on Clear data
ثغرة زيادة نقاط التشغيل
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Hess, run the VPN program and choose the country of America
You go to implement a market that you enter into. You will see a temporary American transformation, which is necessary for a permanent transformation in a few simple steps
You press the menu tab
Then you press redeem
You will enter one of the following symbols
And you press the redeem button
Then confirm
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Then you enter the zip code and phone number
Use postal code 90001
It will return you to the redemption page. You will still click the redeem button 25 times
Then, when you complete the 25 times, you start from the Kalashi, turn off your device, turn it on, wait 15 minutes, and open the Bally Market
Congratulations, you have an American market
And if you would like to transfer your account itself without creating a new account, except for the steps from the step (clearing the player's market data)
A new way to create an American play market account
It only works on new accounts
The method requires two programs
Download the first program, Google Rewards
Download the second program (VPN)
After creating a new account (you can learn from the first method)
Clear data for Play Market
From (Settings> Applications> Google Play Store)
* For Samsung devices, you will see the option to wipe the data directly, and for the rest of the devices after an interfering with the application, go to the storage name option and click on Clear data
Do not open a wear market until the following steps are completed
Open the VPN program and choose the country of America
Log in to Rewards and follow the steps below
Press Skip after opening the program
Choose the new account that you created
Write your name in the English language exclusively and enter the following number in the field (Postal Code)
Choose your age
Select the gender, male or female
It will take you to a page that contains a blue button (Get’s Started), press it, then press Activate
Up to now, you must be the key to the play market, and a VPN is required to work
Hess, go to open the market, and complete these simple steps
Then you click on Payment methods
The first to open the payment methods will give you your account balance is 0 and an update is required. You press on the update. The number you wrote previously (90011) is required.
After completing all these steps until you make sure that a million in a million the account will remain an American, you will settle an additional step that is not necessary.
Then he turned off the device and turned it on and opened the Bally Market Ten minutes later, an American convert would stay for life
And if you encounter a problem with the explanation, you may contact us via social media
hala mushkilat ghyr mutawafir fi baladik , 'aw kayfiat 'iinsha' hisab 'amrikiin ? tariqat 'iinsha' suq juajal blay 'amrikiin alkthyr yueani min mushkilat suq baly wshlwn rah yhwlt 'amrikiin hataa yukadir yashtari altatbiqat wayahmil altatbiqat alma mutawafirat bialeiraq waltakhalus min mushkila ( ghyr mutawafir fi baladik ) bhay almuqalat rah tataealam shlwn tansha suq balay
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rah tazhrilk muqtarahat 'aw takhtar 'iinsha' eunwan Gmail akhar 'iiniy aikhtarit 'iinsha' eunwan Gmail akhar hataa aikhtar eunwan barid sahl aikhtiar eunwan barid rah yazahriluk murabae taktub bih aleunwan albaridiu alyuejbuk aikhtiar eunwan albryd al'iiliktrunii baedaha rah takhtar kalimat almurur watueiduha maratayn rah tatlieuluk alkhususiat walbunud alkhasat bikwkl - taruh tadghat muafiq muafaqat ealaa bunud jawjl rah tazahriluk safhat takdlik 'iinak 'atmamt eamaliat 'iinsha' alhisab tadghat muafiq aitimam 'iinsha' hisab warah mukamalat eamaliat 'iinsha' hisab binajah rah tubdi khatawat hataa tahwulat 'amrikiin 'awal khatwatan wa'ahamu khatwat taruh tamasih bayanat tatbiq jujil suq balayin min ( al'iiedadat > altatbiqat > matjar Google play )
*balnsbt liaijhizat samswnj rah tazhar 'amamak khiar masaha albayanat mbashrtaan walibaqi al'ajhizat baed mutadakhil ealittbiq taruh ealaa khiar aism altakhzin watadghut ealaa masah albayanat hash tashghal barnamaj alVPN watakhtar dawlat 'amrika taruh litatbiq suq bulyin tadkhul ealayh rah tshawfat tahul 'amrikiin muaqat lazim tahawlat dayimiin bikhutuat basita tadghat ealaa ealamat alqayim thuma tadghat ealaa aistirdad alqayima rah tadkhul ahd alrumuz alatia 3
watadghut ealaa zari aistirdad alqayima thuma takid thuma tadkhul alramz albaridiu waraqm alhatif aistakhdam alramz albaridi 90001 rah yarjaeuk ealaa safhat aistirdad alqimat rah tabqaa tadghat ealaa zari aistirdad alqimat 25 maratan warah ma takmul al25 mirh tatalie min klshy tutafiy jahazik watashghaluh watantadir 15 daqiqatan wataftah suq baliin wamabruk sar eindak suq balayun 'amrikiin wa'iidha tuhibu tahul hisabik nafsih bidun mutsawi hisab jadid saway alkhutuat min khatwa ( masaha bayanat suq balayin ) tariqat jadidat liainsha' hisab suq balayin 'amrikiin taemal faqat ealaa alhisabat aljadida tahtaj altariqat libarnamijin tahmil albarnamaj al'awal Google Rewards tahmil albarnamaj alththani
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(VPN) baed 'iinsha' hisab jadid ( tastatie altaelim min altariqat al'uwlaa ) qum bimisah albayanat lisuq biliin min ( al'iiedadat > altatbiqat > matjar Google play ) *balnsbt liaijhizat samswnj rah tazhar 'amamak khiar masaha albayanat mbashrtaan walibaqi al'ajhizat baed mutadakhil ealittbiq taruh ealaa khiar aism altakhzin watadghut ealaa masah albayanat la taqum bifath suq baliin lghayt aitimam alkhutuat alttalia qum bifath barnamaj alVPN waqam biaikhtiar dawlat
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