This is how to recover deleted WhatsApp messages!
#WhatsApp #إسترجاع_رسائل_الواتساب_المحذوفةملاحضة قم بمشاهدة فيديوهات حتى تجد حل لمشكلتك ما عليك الى نزول الى اسفل وضغط على زر اقرا مزيد حتى تضهر لك كل مواضيع
The process of backing up your data is one of the necessary tasks that you must perform every period in your devices and services that you use, as this step will allow you to easily restore your data in the event of losing it for any reason.
كيفية استرجاع رسائل واتساب بعد تغيير الهاتف او فورمات مع عمل نسخة احتياطية للواتس اب mesage whatsapp
If you use the WhatsApp instant messaging application, and you accidentally deleted some chats and want to restore them, it is very easy as long as you have enabled the backup feature on Google Drive, while it is not possible to recover deleted messages without a backup so easily. .
You can retrieve deleted WhatsApp messages quickly and easily using Google Drive and a phone number, but you must use the same phone number and the Google account associated with WhatsApp, otherwise the process will not succeed.
Two ways to recover deleted WhatsApp messages on Android phone
To easily recover deleted WhatsApp messages, you will need to activate the Chat Backup feature through the settings, and you can follow the following steps:
Go to the WhatsApp application.
• Click on (Settings) Settings.
• Click on the Chats option.
• Click on the option (to backup conversations) Chat backup.
• Click on the option (backup to Google Drive) "backup to google drive."
• A list of options will appear for you, through which you can specify the period of time you want to keep a backup copy of your conversations daily, weekly or monthly, and this is for your choice.*
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1- Retrieve deleted WhatsApp messages via cloud backup:
If you deleted WhatsApp conversations by mistake, you can restore them from your cloud backup. Let's say the backup was copied in the middle of the night and in the morning you deleted a chat by mistake. You can recover it easily with the following method:
• Uninstall the WhatsApp application on your phone.
• Reinstall it again, then set it up using the same phone number and the Google account associated with WhatsApp.
• Once the application is set up; You will receive a prompt to restore the messages from a cloud backup, press the option (restore) Restore.
2- استعادة رسائل الواتس اب القديمة Recover conversations via the backup saved on the phone itself:
Another way to try to restore deleted WhatsApp chats is to restore them from backups saved on your phone, and you can do so by following these steps:
Go to your phone's file manager.
• Click on the WhatsApp folder, and if you can't find it, search for it.
• Click on the folder (database) Database, where this folder contains a backup copy of the WhatsApp files saved on your phone.
Scroll down to the file msgstore.db.crypt12; Then select it.
Rename the file under the name (msgstore_BACKUP.db.crypt12). This is the most recent backup file from WhatsApp, and you need to rename it to prevent writing on it. In case anything goes wrong, you can always rename this file with its name and restore it.
• Inside this folder you will find a group of files in the same format, but they contain old dates. These are the older backup copies of the WhatsApp application.
Once you have completed these steps, go to Google Drive on your smartphone:
• Click on the three lines icon on the top left of the screen to open the options menu.
• Click on the option (backups) Backups.
• Click on the three dots next to Backup WhatsApp, and select Delete. This will force your phone to recover conversations from the backup on your phone instead of from Google Drive.
Now, uninstall the WhatsApp application, then reinstall it again, and once you have set it up, you will receive a prompt (to restore the messages from a backup on your phone) .Restore chats from a local backup, press the option (restore) Restore.
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